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 Trade unions in India have a long and complex history, dating back to the colonial era and evolving significantly over time. Trade unions emerged as a response to the industrialization

Nature of Human Rights   1.Definition of Human Rights   Human rights are inherent, universal rights that every person possesses simply by virtue of beinghuman. Rooted in the principle of human dignity,

UN Charter

 The United Nations (UN) Charter is the foundational treaty of the United Nations, signed on June 26, 1945, in San Francisco, California, at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference

Definition of CrimeCrime is generally understood as an act or omission punishable by law because it violates public rights and duties. Crimes are actions that society deems harmful to public

Introduction to CPC

DefinitionsForeign Judgment (Section 13 of CPC) Explanation:Section 13 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) addresses the enforceability of foreign judgments in India. A foreign judgment is one that is

Initial Steps of Suit

Jurisdiction and Place of SuingSection 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC) – Courts to Try All Civil Suits Unless Barred by Law Text of Section 9:“The Courts shall

General Exceptions

Mistake as a Defense (Sections 14-20 BNS, 2023) In criminal law, the defense of “mistake” can be used when an act is committed without awareness of certain facts that would

Definition and Scope of Pleadings Order 6 Rule 1 CPC – Definition of Pleadings: This rule defines pleadings as the written statements filed by both the plaintiff and the defendant.

Article 20 – Protection in Respect of Conviction for Offenses Article 20 of the Indian Constitution provides important safeguards against arbitrary and unjust treatment when it comes to criminal convictions.

Evolution of Concept of Fundamental Rights The concept of Fundamental Rights in India has evolved through various historical and constitutional developments, which have shaped the present-day rights and freedoms guaranteed

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